
Visual Communication Department

At the Department of Visual Communication we study graphic design in a three-year program. Courses at the department are taught by a skilled staff of teachers who are among the leading design professionals in Israel.
The variety of courses taught in the program is divided into five categories:
Graphic thinking, abstraction and symbols, branding, typography (treatment of text, fonts and letters).
Interactive platforms
Video, website and app design, UX/UI.
Drawing, manual illustration in a variety of techniques, digital illustration and animation in a variety of techniques.
Complementary fields
Photography, copywriting, design history, art history.
Graphic software
Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Adobe After Effects (comprehensive study of the entire creative package), PREMIER.
In addition to these courses, workshops and lectures are offered (calligraphy, printmaking, manual bookbinding, print enhancements, opening and promoting a freelance studio and more).
The department shares the unique atmosphere of the Musrara School, with small classes and personal, respectful and empowering attention to students. The courses range between workshops and class work and work review classes, profound discussions and encouragement of creative thinking.
Students are integrated in projects initiated by the department in collaboration with social and commercial organizations in Israel, and their work is published even before they complete their studies.
Every student graduating from the Visual Communication Department at Musrara is integrated into the work market upon completing their studies; some in advertising, some in High Tech and others in professions of design for printed media.
A degree is not required or mandatory for the profession of graphic design, nor for working, moving forward and developing in the field. The most important thing is creating a rich and extensive portfolio, which could open the door into the professional world. This is what we work on in the program. Nevertheless, those who wish to obtain a degree are offered an MA program, which includes one day a week at Sapir College.


Yearly tuition by department:
Photography Department – 13,175 NIS
New-Media Art Department – 13,892 NIS
Visual Communication Department – 13,892 NIS
New Music Department – 13,892 NIS

*The tuitions above may change from time to time.

Scholarships & Awards

Admission Requirements

Personal interview with each applicant.
Applicants must bring a portfolio depicting their personal expression. There are no specific requirements as to the number of works, technique or content.
Each applicant is required to bring a pre-prepared assignment: a photographic project of 10 printings (no size requirement) under the category “self-portrait”.